Magician's Guild follows the adventures of Sonea, a young slum dweller who discovers she is a magician. Angered by the annual purging of the slums where she lives, she throws a rock at the magician's magical shield and manages to break it. This sets the magicians on Sonea's trail as they wish to locate the untrained mage before she destroys the city.
Magician's Guild is a fairly decent fantasy read. Sonea is realistically characterised as a mistrusting slum dweller and we get a look at the magician's who are trying to find her. We spend a good deal of the book, watching Sonea hide from the mage's and more time watching the mage's talk about her. That may sound like a criticism, but it's not really. We get to spend time with these characters, we understand their motivations and dreams.
The world building is very good; not quite on the level of Robin Hobb, but at least I don't feel the persistent need to strangle the main character, even if she is slightly annoying and a little passive at times. I do want to find out more about her and her future. Not particularly sold on the budding romance, but there's two more books to go.
Will certainly be reading the rest of the series.
Magician's Guild is a fairly decent fantasy read. Sonea is realistically characterised as a mistrusting slum dweller and we get a look at the magician's who are trying to find her. We spend a good deal of the book, watching Sonea hide from the mage's and more time watching the mage's talk about her. That may sound like a criticism, but it's not really. We get to spend time with these characters, we understand their motivations and dreams.
The world building is very good; not quite on the level of Robin Hobb, but at least I don't feel the persistent need to strangle the main character, even if she is slightly annoying and a little passive at times. I do want to find out more about her and her future. Not particularly sold on the budding romance, but there's two more books to go.
Will certainly be reading the rest of the series.