The girl with the half and half face revolves around a girl called Kayli-el who lives in a convent in a fantasy world. Seemingly content with her teachers, friends and the power to determine lies, Kayli-el's life is turned upside down when soldiers from a neighbouring country invade, kill her teacher and take her friend captive after failing to kill her. She then meets two boys from another country who are on a quest.
I really don't know what to make of this book. There is a world there with different species of human, different tech and customs and yet it feels overdeveloped. The different scents that mark each species is an interesting one, yet I couldn't get a feel of who these people were or what the world was like. I also couldn't understand what the 'core' thing was all about and why they wanted her. Despite some 'listen to your heart' words of wisdom, it didn't seem to actually do anything.
The characters were interesting but unfortunately I couldn't understand why the baddies wanted to capture Kayli-el, why the boys helped her and why her teacher was killed. Part of the problem is an editing issue, the writing is good but there isn't enough build-up, or lead in to the story.
Despite the above however, I didn't hate it. The characters held my interest through some of the more confusing parts of the story, but I don't think I'll read it again.
I really don't know what to make of this book. There is a world there with different species of human, different tech and customs and yet it feels overdeveloped. The different scents that mark each species is an interesting one, yet I couldn't get a feel of who these people were or what the world was like. I also couldn't understand what the 'core' thing was all about and why they wanted her. Despite some 'listen to your heart' words of wisdom, it didn't seem to actually do anything.
The characters were interesting but unfortunately I couldn't understand why the baddies wanted to capture Kayli-el, why the boys helped her and why her teacher was killed. Part of the problem is an editing issue, the writing is good but there isn't enough build-up, or lead in to the story.
Despite the above however, I didn't hate it. The characters held my interest through some of the more confusing parts of the story, but I don't think I'll read it again.