Netgalley ARC for the win...
Alejandro is a bruja, a kind of witch, who after some traumatic events in her childhood... hates her powers and wishes to be normal. Her mother and sisters are fully embracing their path and looking forward to Alex's Deathday party which will put Alex firmly on the path to her power. With Alex wishing to lose her powers, she makes friends with a strange guy called Nova and with his advice uses a spell to strip her powers. It all goes wrong, her family vanish and Alex and Nova go off into another world to find them.
The first third of this book is difficult to get through, primarily in part to the whiny, cowardly and generally annoying little ...(insert word here) of a main character...BUT...then in her idiotic way, she screws stuff up and from then the book improves immeasurably.
The secondary characters are very well developed and the romance was spot on and not what you'd expect from the book blurb.
Loved the interplay of magic and real life and it was great to see a close family unit. The world building is fabulous and beautifully switches between real life Brooklyn and Los Lagos. It's lush, detailed and wonderful to read.
The first third is a slog and you will want to hurt the main character, but stick with it and the book is great. I heartily recommend.
Alejandro is a bruja, a kind of witch, who after some traumatic events in her childhood... hates her powers and wishes to be normal. Her mother and sisters are fully embracing their path and looking forward to Alex's Deathday party which will put Alex firmly on the path to her power. With Alex wishing to lose her powers, she makes friends with a strange guy called Nova and with his advice uses a spell to strip her powers. It all goes wrong, her family vanish and Alex and Nova go off into another world to find them.
The first third of this book is difficult to get through, primarily in part to the whiny, cowardly and generally annoying little ...(insert word here) of a main character...BUT...then in her idiotic way, she screws stuff up and from then the book improves immeasurably.
The secondary characters are very well developed and the romance was spot on and not what you'd expect from the book blurb.
Loved the interplay of magic and real life and it was great to see a close family unit. The world building is fabulous and beautifully switches between real life Brooklyn and Los Lagos. It's lush, detailed and wonderful to read.
The first third is a slog and you will want to hurt the main character, but stick with it and the book is great. I heartily recommend.