McAtee, Martina: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
McKlintock, M.K: Alaina Claibourne
McLellan, Michael: After And Again
McNab, Josephine: Fire and Fangs
Maas, Sarah J: Throne of Glass
Marshall, R A: The Portal & the Panther
Meyer, Marissa: Cinder
Meyer, Marissa: Scarlet
Meyer, Marissa: Heartless
Meyer, Stephanie: Twilight
Miller, Karen: Empress
Miller, Lesley: The Girl with the Half and Half Face
Monroe, Katrina: All Darling Children
Moody, Alexandra: Tainted
Morgan, Rachel: The Faerie Guardian
Morgan, Rachel: The Faerie prince
Nicholas, Sarah: Dragons are people too
Nix, Garth: Clariel
Page, N. J: Code Human